All Courses

Here can be seen all courses done since 2017.

Course Date Source Code
SEO for Webmasters Thinking SEO 24/08/2019
NestJs and Nuxt version of the 'Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide' course 19/08/2019 full-stack-vue-with-graphql-the-ultimate-guides-nuxt
Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide 18/08/2019 full-stack-vue-with-graphql-the-ultimate-guides
Build a News Feed with Nuxt 2 and Firestore 12/06/2019 build-a-news-feed-with-nuxt-2-and-firestore
EDI Babelway - Level 2 Certification 02/06/2019
EDI Babelway - Documents and Partners 28/05/2019
EDI Babelway - Reading Document Specifications 28/05/2019
EDI Babelway - Lookup Tables & Routing 28/05/2019
EDI Babelway - Intermediate Transformation 26/05/2019
EDI Babelway - Level 1 Certification 25/05/2019
EDI Babelway - Monitoring Messages 24/06/2019
EDI Babelway - Run a B2B Integration Project 24/06/2019
EDI Babelway - Basic Transformation 23/06/2019
EDI Babelway Basics - Start Here! 22/06/2019
Architect SaaS Applications - Unique Challenges & Solutions 18/05/2019
Build an Online Store with React and GraphQL in 90 Minutes 05/05/2019 build-an-online-store-with-react-and-graphql-in-90-minutes
Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL 19/04/2019 full-stack-react-python-and-graphql
Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course 07/04/2019 learn-devops-the-complete-kubernetes-course
Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment 13/03/2019 learn-devops-helm-helmfile-kubernetes-deployment
Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment 13/03/2019 learn-devops-helm-helmfile-kubernetes-deployment
Learn Devops Kubernetes deployment by kops and terraform 08/03/2019
Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core 24/02/2019 building-graphql-apis-aspdotnet-core
The Gatsby Masterclass 22/02/2019 the-gatsby-masterclass
Learn DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins using Pipelines and Docker 19/02/2019 jenkins-course
Build a Complete App with GraphQL, Node.js, MongoDB and React.js 14/02/2019 graphql-react-event-booking
Play by Play: OWASP Top 10 2017 04/02/2019
.NET Core Microservices 27/01/2019 dotnet-core-microservices
MongoDB - The Complete Developer's Guide 12/01/2019 mongodb-the-complete-developers-guide
React Hooks 25/12/2018 ReactHooks
Documentation Website for Training and Projects. It is created using VuePress Dec 2018 - documentation
Learn how to use VuePress for a Documentation Site 8/12/2018
Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide 07/12/2018 multi-docker
Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide (.Net Core version) 07/12/2018 dotnet-core-multi-docker
Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide (Java version) 07/12/2018 java-multi-docker
Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide (Python version) 07/12/2018 python-multi-docker
Introduction To Python Programming 21/11/2018
Mastering Micro Services Using Java Spring Boot 18/11/2018
Easy Markdown with VS Code 16/11/2018
Node JS: Advanced Concepts 29/10/2018 /backend/node-advanced-concepts
.Net Core version of the "Node JS: Advanced Concepts" Udemy course 29/10/2018 dotnet-core-react-redux-advanced
Double Your Coding Speed with Visual Studio and ReSharper 1/10/2018
ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer's Guide 30/09/2018
Regex Academy: An Introduction To Text Parsing Sorcery 26/09/2018
Real-time applications with SignalR Core (Aplicaciones web en tiempo real con SignalR Core) 24/09/2018
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide 22/09/2018 progressive-web-apps
Angular Progressive Web Apps (PWA) MasterClass 09/09/2018 angular.pwa.course
The Ultimate LINQ with C# Masterclass - Basics to Advanced 06/09/2018 linq.csharp.masterclass
Angular Material Masterclass 02/09/2018 /frontend/angular-material-course
Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx 31/08/2018 angular-fitness-tracker
Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch 19/08/2018 asp-net-core-angular-from-scratch
Angular 4 Java Developers 19/08/2018 java-angular4-developers
Angular 7 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide 28/07/2018 angular-the-complete-guide
Spring Framework And Dependency Injection For Beginners 01/07/2018 spring5-tutorial
Maven Crash Course 23/06/2018
ASP.NET Core 2 Identity Management and Security 04/06/2018 /backend/net-core-2-authentication
Understanding Confluence for users, managers and admins 01/06/2018
CSS - The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) 27/05/2018 css-the-complete-guide
How to create a Slack bot to automate tasks for you 22/05/2018 /backend/purchase-slack-command
How to create a Slack bot to automate tasks for you 22/05/2018 /projects/purchase-slack-command-dotnet
Node with React: Fullstack Web Development 17/5/2018 /backend/node-with-vuejs-fullstack-web-development
Vue.js version of the "Node With React Fullstack Web Development" Udemy course 17/5/2018 node-with-vuejs-fullstack-web-development
Firebase Firestore: Getting Started 11/04/2018
Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide 7/4/2018 /backend/ethereum-kickstart
Ethereum KickStart website created with Vue (instead of React) From 'Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide' Udemy course 7/4/2018 ethereum-kickstart-vue
Build an App with Vue, Vuetify & Firebase 30/3/2018 devmeetup-vuetify
Nuxt version of the dev meeting application built with Vue + Vuetify + Firebase based on "Build an App with Vue, Vuetify & Firebase" Academind course 30/3/2018 devmeetup-vuetify-nuxt
Modern React with Redux 18/3/2018 ReduxSimpleBlog
Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids 04/3/2018 NuxtBlog
Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing 15/02/2018
The Ultimate Vue JS 2 Developers Course 11/2/2018 vue-poster-shop
Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow 01/02/2018 travel-site
Surveying Blockchain Technologies for Enterprise 03/01/2018
Exploring Visual Studio 2017 29/12/2017
Vue.js: Build a Full Stack App With Firebase, Vuex & Router 25/12/2017
Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development 12/12/2017 Profitoro
Firebase Cookbook 05/12/2017
Single Page Applications with Vue.js 21/11/2017
Mastering Git 18/11/2017
How Git Works 14/11/2017
Vue.js: Getting Started 30/10/2017
Firebase on Android: User Email Authentication and Verification 24/10/2017
Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and OAuth 20/10/2017
The .NET Ecosystem: The Big Picture 14/09/2017
PCI DSS: The Big Picture 22/05/2017
Payment Card Security, Processing, and the PCI Standards 02/04/2017